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In This World Where Monsters Are Rampant...
Forced to Travel with Carla, a Healer...
Despite the Terrible Time He`s Been Having...
The First Dungeon Alvin Tackles with Carla Is Designed For...
The Owner of the Inn They Visit Seems Very Nice, but...
As Usual, Alvin and Carla Have to Overcome a Series of Crises...
This Show Is Fairly Unique in That Carla Is the Only Recurring Female Character...
Thanks to Altargaia (Reminder: This is the Mushroom`s Name)...
This Episode Features Even More Female Guest Characters Hot on the Heels...
In the Second Half of This Episode, We Enter the "What Story Is This?" Arc...
So, This Is Part 2 of the "What Story Is This?" Arc...
We`ve Reached the Final Episode at Last...
Kono Healer, Mendokusai - Episode 4
The First Dungeon Alvin Tackles with Carla Is Designed For...
Regular Episode
2022-05-01 (2 years ago)
The first dungeon Alvin tackles with Carla is designed for beginners which is very nice and so even Alvin seems to be flying through it but of course as a veteran rookie he isn`t without his struggles and he once again reveals his aptitude(?) for falling into holes and even causes their mushroom monster companion to worry and come to think of it the mushroom guy who showed up last episode has a name (it`s Altargaia) and there aren`t many chances to call him that but we would like you to remember it and by the way if you`re having trouble reading these titles to the end we just wanted to remind you that you can pause the video or maybe check the show`s homepage and that`s the deal with episode 4.