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In This World Where Monsters Are Rampant...
Forced to Travel with Carla, a Healer...
Despite the Terrible Time He`s Been Having...
The First Dungeon Alvin Tackles with Carla Is Designed For...
The Owner of the Inn They Visit Seems Very Nice, but...
As Usual, Alvin and Carla Have to Overcome a Series of Crises...
This Show Is Fairly Unique in That Carla Is the Only Recurring Female Character...
Thanks to Altargaia (Reminder: This is the Mushroom`s Name)...
This Episode Features Even More Female Guest Characters Hot on the Heels...
In the Second Half of This Episode, We Enter the "What Story Is This?" Arc...
So, This Is Part 2 of the "What Story Is This?" Arc...
We`ve Reached the Final Episode at Last...
Kono Healer, Mendokusai - Episode 11
So, This Is Part 2 of the "What Story Is This?" Arc...
Regular Episode
2022-06-19 (2 years ago)
So, This Is Part 2 of the "What Story Is This?" Arc and I`m really glad we found out a way for Anna and Ryoko to get involved and also to fill in some time based on the fact that there`s not enough manga material available but there`s also a reference to that classic family anime in this episode that I think a lot of people will get even if I don`t explain it but it`s been a chance to think about how animators back then had to put so much care into drawing each cel by hand instead of doing it digitally like we do now which is pretty cool and that`s the deal with episode 11.