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Violent Retribution For Accidental Infringement

Violent Retribution For Accidental Infringement


A comedy / slapstick element often found in Ecchi anime: The hilarity derives from spontaneous embarrassment, overreaction of the "victim" (girl), immediate retribution for a seemingly inappropriate act, and a sense of pity with the supposed "aggressor" (boy).

Typically a boy will - through no fault of his own - stumble into a girl, thus invading her personal space. In the process the boy may e.g. pull down her skirt, grab the girl`s breasts, or accidentally kiss her. Any level-headed girl would see the accident just for what it is. Not so the girl with an overly developed sense of modesty, and a thing for violence. She - often a tsundere - will clobber the boy with excessive brutality.

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