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Kemono, "beast", is a genre of Japanese art and character design that prominently features anthropomorphic animal characters. It is used widely in visual arts, especially drawing and painting, and can be found in many manga, anime, and video game.

Anthropomorphic animal characters in the kemono genre are frequently called juujin, "therianthrope"; the kanji for juujin are also sometimes pronounced kemonobito, "beast-human". While their design differs from artist to artist, they generally employ animal traits considered cute and endearing; most kemono characters retain a fundamentally human personality, however, seldom behaving as the actual animals from which they have been anthropomorphized, and as such they are typically depicted living as humans do.

Juujin leans more on the human-looking side when compared to anthropomorphism, which leans more on the animal-looking side.

Usage the tag image for reference, when tagging characters:

* This is a juujin.

* This is split between juujin and anthropomorphism, to be decided on a case-by-case basis, but most likely leans on the human-looking juujin side in most cases.

* This is anthropomorphism; tag both anthropomorphism and the respective animal type.

* This is anthropomorphism; tag both anthropomorphism and the respective animal type.

* This is just a regular animal; do not tag juujin or anthropomorphism — only tag the actual animal type.

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