


A vampire is a mythological or folkloric nocturnal undead. Vampires use long fangs to penetrate the necks of people, usually young females, to drink their blood, both as a form of nourishment and to turn the targets into slaves.

In the classic vampire stories, they are thought to have no reflection in mirrors, are able to shapeshift into bats (sometimes also wolves or some form of fog), have unlimited lifespan and superhuman strength, reflexes and senses, and may only be killed by silver bullets, silver blades, a stake through the heart, fire, or exposure to sunlight; on the other hand, they cannot tolerate garlic, holy water, or Christian crosses (sometimes expanded to religious symbols in general).

In modern anime, these limitations are usually dropped, and they become far more powerful and fearsome opponents than usual. A human bitten, or sometimes even scratched, by a vampire typically becomes a slave, eventually dying as if poisoned, and becoming a vampire, ghoul, zombie, or other form of undead after death, often staying under the command of the vampire who originally bit them.

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