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Anthropomorphism is the attribution of uniquely human characteristics to non-human beings, inanimate objects, or natural or supernatural phenomena. If it`s an animal or an object (AI excluded) and it speaks and/or does other human-like things (dresses up) then we`re dealing with anthropomorphism.

Anthropomorphism leans more on the animal-looking side when compared to juujin, which leans more on the human-looking side.

Usage the tag image for reference, when tagging characters:

* This is a juujin.

* This is split between juujin and anthropomorphism, to be decided on a case-by-case basis, but most likely leans on the human-looking juujin side in most cases.

* This is anthropomorphism; tag both anthropomorphism and the respective animal type.

* This is anthropomorphism; tag both anthropomorphism and the respective animal type.

* This is just a regular animal; do not tag juujin or anthropomorphism — only tag the actual animal type.

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