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Sword Art Online II - Episode 3

Memories of Fresh Blood
Regular Episode 2014-07-19 (10 years ago)
While walking home, Asada Shino, Sinon`s real-life counterpart, is bullied by three schoolmates, led by Endou, but they are warded away by her friend Shinkawa Kyouji, who introduced her to GGO in the first place, as a form of immersion therapy for her fear of guns. After talking about their personal lives, Shino leaves for home. There, she tries holding a gun replica, but this induces a flashback to when she was eleven years old; while she was at a postal office with her mother, a man carrying a gun tried to rob the office, shooting an employee and threatening to kill other people. When the robber aimed his gun at her mother, Shino attacked him, wrestled the gun out of his hand, and shot him repeatedly, killing him. The flashback triggers a panic attack from Shino. Meanwhile, Kirito informs Asuna that he will be converting his ALO avatar to GGO, which surprises her, but she approves. As Kazuto, he goes to the hospital to log into GGO, while his real-life body will be watched by Aki Natsuki, a nurse who oversaw his condition while he was trapped in SAO. Shino logs into GGO as well. Meanwhile, Death Gun overhears an online voice-chat discussing Death Gun before looking at a photo of Sinon, grinning hungrily.