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Shingeki no Kyojin OAD - Episode 2
The Sudden Visitor: The Torturous Curse of Youth
Regular Episode
2014-04-09 (10 years ago)
In the year 849, Jean returns home after two years in training. After Jean gets into a dispute with Sasha following a training exercise, Commander Pyxis suggests they settle things in a cooking contest. With Armin and Annie joining Jean`s team and Connie and Reiner teaming up with Sasha, the two groups head into the forest in search of a notorious giant boar to use as meat. Sasha`s group come across the boar first and engage it in battle, with Sasha managing to kill it and claim it for her group. Later, after Jean is visited by his mother, shouting at her when he feels she is embarrassing him, he concocts a plan to steal some quality beef from the office so he can beat Sasha, but Armin and Annie refuse to help him. After inevitably giving up on his plan, Jean opens a lunchbox his mother left him containing an omelette, remembering all the times his mother stood by him. The cooking contest soon takes place, with Sasha presenting a prime boar steak whilst Jean presents a humble omelette. Although wowed by the taste of the steak, Pyxis declares Jean the winner as he showed more skill in cooking. Content with his victory, Jean considers paying a visit to his mother.