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▶▶ Pod 042 and Pod 153 - Joint Report:
Data discovered. Presumed to be part of a record from the past.
Transferring to shared server.
December 8, 11941.
I’ve encountered androids dispatched to Earth on a top-secret mission.
These unknown androids call themselves.
Command that abandoned us. YoRHa Soldiers with nothing but secrets and full of mysteries.
But you can’t protect your family if all you do is doubt.
…I hope my choice, our battle, will be a breakthrough in this long war of attrition.
Data discovered. Presumed to be part of a record from the past.
Transferring to shared server.
December 8, 11941.
I’ve encountered androids dispatched to Earth on a top-secret mission.
These unknown androids call themselves
Command that abandoned us. YoRHa Soldiers with nothing but secrets and full of mysteries.
But you can’t protect your family if all you do is doubt.
…I hope my choice, our battle, will be a breakthrough in this long war of attrition.