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* Based on Urobuchi Gen and Type-Moon`s 2006-2007 Fate/Zero novel, a prequel to Type-Moon`s much acclaimed Fate/Stay Night 2004 visual novel.
The Holy Grail War is a death-match between 7 magi (Masters) and their summoned heroic spirits (Servants). In this battle royale, the prize is the legendary Holy Grail, said to be an omnipotent wish-granting device which will produce any sort of miracle in order to bend reality to accommodate the wishes it grants. The winning Master and Servant shall be granted one wish each, after which the Holy Grail will not be activated until the next War.
The 4th Holy Grail War is about to take place, and the 3 preceding Wars had ended without a victor. In pursuit of their individual goals and ambitions, the competing magi congregate at a Japanese city called Fuyuki. All the magi will do anything, rationalize away any atrocity, in pursuit of the Holy Grail. All of them, but one.
Kotomine Kirei is a Master, but one without a reason to fight. Unable to release himself from the threads of Fate, he is reluctantly drawn into the War. To enter the War, he even had to stray from his path in the Holy Church and join the ranks of the Mage`s Association, an organization with which the Church is not on good terms, but which it has to tolerate and sometimes even cooperate with.
However, as Fate would ironically have it, one of his rival Masters, Emiya Kiritsugu, is a man more merciless than anyone else, an assassin who killed many people and intervened in many conflicts, for reasons no one is able to understand. Kirei`s fight against this interesting yet strange sort of enemy might prove to be his most troubling task so far. Kiritsugu is equally puzzled by Kirei, and both of them still have the other Masters and Servants to take care of.
The Holy Grail War is a death-match between 7 magi (Masters) and their summoned heroic spirits (Servants). In this battle royale, the prize is the legendary Holy Grail, said to be an omnipotent wish-granting device which will produce any sort of miracle in order to bend reality to accommodate the wishes it grants. The winning Master and Servant shall be granted one wish each, after which the Holy Grail will not be activated until the next War.
The 4th Holy Grail War is about to take place, and the 3 preceding Wars had ended without a victor. In pursuit of their individual goals and ambitions, the competing magi congregate at a Japanese city called Fuyuki. All the magi will do anything, rationalize away any atrocity, in pursuit of the Holy Grail. All of them, but one.
Kotomine Kirei is a Master, but one without a reason to fight. Unable to release himself from the threads of Fate, he is reluctantly drawn into the War. To enter the War, he even had to stray from his path in the Holy Church and join the ranks of the Mage`s Association, an organization with which the Church is not on good terms, but which it has to tolerate and sometimes even cooperate with.
However, as Fate would ironically have it, one of his rival Masters, Emiya Kiritsugu, is a man more merciless than anyone else, an assassin who killed many people and intervened in many conflicts, for reasons no one is able to understand. Kirei`s fight against this interesting yet strange sort of enemy might prove to be his most troubling task so far. Kiritsugu is equally puzzled by Kirei, and both of them still have the other Masters and Servants to take care of.
Episode 1 : The Summoning of Heroes
Eight years ago in Germany, Kiritsugu Emiya and his wife, Irisviel "Iri" von Einzbern, welcome the birth of their daughter, Ilyasviel. Though Kiritsugu fears he will lead Irisviel to her death in the upcoming Fourth Holy Grail War, she assures him that he is a good man who will fulfill their ideals. Three years ago, the priest Kirei Kotomine learns that he has been chosen as a participant for the Holy Grail War. Kirei`s father Risei, the war`s moderator on behalf of the Catholic Church, and Tokiomi Tosaka, another participant, arrange for Kirei to become Tokiomi`s pupil in magecraft in order to give Tokiomi an advantage and help Kirei get over the death of his wife. One year ago in Fuyuki City, Kariya Matō visits his childhood friend Aoi Tōsaka and her daughters, Rin and Sakura. Kariya is shocked to learn Sakura has been adopted by the Matō family, as the Matōs want a heir that can use magic, and is horrified to discover what has been done to her. Confronting his father, Zōken, Kariya strikes a deal to implant himself with parasitic worms that will give him the magic needed to participate in the upcoming war. If he wins the grail, Sakura will be freed and returned to her family. In the present, Kayneth Archibald El-Melloi dismisses and humiliates one of his students, Waver Velvet, who theorizes anyone can be a great mage by hard work and practice, rather than by virtue of their bloodline alone. Waver decides to prove his teacher wrong by stealing Kayneth`s artifact, which is needed to summon a Servant, in order to join the war himself. As Kirei, who has now summoned his servant Assassin (Hassan-i Sabbah) and Kiritsugu learn of each other`s skills, they are disturbed by how they cannot know what the other man`s goals for the war are. After receiving the scabbard of Excalibur, Iri is hopeful that they can summon King Arthur of the Saber class, but Kiritsugu worries that Arthur`s chivalry will clash with his pragmatic methods. As Kiritsugu, Tokiomi, Kariya and Waver summon their servants, Kiritsugu and Iri are stunned to see the summoned King Arthur is actually a girl.Regular Episode 2011-10-02 1 -
Episode 2 : The Fake First Shot
Waver has a hard time commanding his Servant Rider (Alexander the Great), as Rider is more interested in how the world has changed since his time and intends to conquer it once he wins the War. Saber has formed a poor opinion of Kiritsugu, considering him cold-hearted, but is surprised to see him have a tender moment with his daughter Ilya. Saber also admits she admires Kiritsugu and Iri`s wishes to save the world, as she, too, wishes to save Britain. In Fuyuki City, serial killer Ryūnosuke Uryū has murdered an entire family except a young boy to summon a demon, but inadvertently calls the servant Caster (Bluebeard). When Uryū offers the boy to Caster as a sacrifice, Caster pretends to let him go, then kills him with a horrific Cthulhu-esque monster. Uryū, overjoyed to meet someone as sadistic as him, vows to follow Caster anywhere and becomes his Master. Upon learning the seventh and final Master has been chosen, Kirei orders Assassin to kill Tokiomi, only for Assassin to be killed by Tokiomi`s servant Archer (Gilgamesh), while attempting to break into his mansion.Regular Episode 2011-10-09 1 -
Episode 3 : Fuyuki City
Kirei announces his resignation from the war due to Assassin`s elimination and is granted asylum by Risei. However, this is actually a ruse by Kirei, Risei and Tokiomi: "Assassin" is not one, but several dozen people. With everyone else believing him out of the game, Kirei can send the Assassins to spy on them without suspicion. Waver informs Rider of Assassin`s demise, but the latter is only interested of defeating President Clinton, acquiring his country`s military weapons and having a good time. Saber and Iri arrive at Fuyuki City to meet up with Kiritsugu, but decide to tour the city since this is Iri`s first time abroad. Meanwhile, Kiritsugu meets up with his assistant Maiya Hisau, who informs him the other Masters believe Iri is Saber`s Master and that she has smuggled in the guns they need for the war, including his Contender pistol. As Iri has a good time at the beach, Saber detects another Servant at the harbor. Once there, they encounter Lancer, who challenges Saber to a duel.Regular Episode 2011-10-16 1 -
Episode 4 : Spearhead
Saber and Lancer fight, while complimenting each other on their skills and chivalry. At the same time, Kiritsugu and Maiya are scouting the battle, with Kiritsugu spotting Lancer`s hidden Master. As he is about to snipe him, Kiritsugu spots Assassin, who is relaying the battle to Kirei and Tokiomi. Lancer`s Master orders him to use his Noble Phantasms, Gae Dearg, the anti-magic spear and Gae Buidhe, the cursed spear that inflicts wounds that cannot be healed. From these, Saber recognizes Lancer as Diarmuid of the Love Spot, while Lancer discovers Saber`s identity after using Gae Dearg to temporarily dispel the invisibility spell on her sword. Saber, whose left tendon was wounded by Lancer`s Gae Buidhe, is about to give it her all when Rider, who was watching the battle from afar, suddenly rides down to the harbor on his chariot, interrupting the battle.Regular Episode 2011-10-23 1 -
Episode 5 : A Wicked Beast`s Roar
Rider introduces himself to Lancer and Saber and asks them to join his army, with both declining. Lancer`s Master, Kayneth, reveals himself and mocks Waver, but Rider defends him. Soon after, Archer and Berserker join the battle. Berserker, Kariya`s Servant, is a Black Knight covered in a fog that prevents all attempts at gauging his strength. Archer attacks Berserker with his Noble Phantasm, Gate of Babylon, but Berserker keeps evading and using Archer`s weapons against him. To prevent Archer from exposing his Noble Phantasm further, Tokiomi expends a Command Seal to order him to withdraw from the battle, much to Archer`s displeasure. After seeing Saber, Berserker goes after her and his ability to turn anything he wields into a Noble Phantasm is revealed. Lancer defends Saber out of chivalry, but Kayneth uses a Command Spell to force him to assist Berserker. However, Rider incapacitates Berserker and warns Kayneth to withdraw, or he will side with Saber. After Berserker, Kayneth and Lancer retreat, Rider tells Saber he will not duel her or Lancer until their duel is finished. Elsewhere, Caster watches the battle through a crystal ball and thinks Saber is his long-lost love, while Kirei discovers that the church was being spied on by a familiar.Regular Episode 2011-10-30 1 -
Episode 6 : A Night of Schemes
Iri and Saber are driving to Einzbern Castle when they encounter Caster. Caster believes Saber is Jeanne d`Arc, but Saber tells him he is mistaken and drives him away. Returning to his lair, Caster is convinced "Jeanne" has lost her memories. At his hotel, Kayneth scolds Lancer for failing to kill Saber. Lancer is defended by Sola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri, Kayneth`s fiancee, who is maintaining Lancer`s existence by supplying him with mana and has fallen for him due to his magic love spot. When the hotel`s occupants are ordered to evacuate, Kayneth realizes Saber`s Master has come for them. After making sure all civilians have evacuated, Kiritsugu and Maiya blow up the hotel using explosives. Maiya is found by Kirei, but escapes thanks to Kiritsugu`s smoke bomb. When the Assassins inform Kirei, Risei and Tokiomi that Caster and Uryū have been kidnapping and sacrificing children, Risei is disgusted by their pointless murders and their jeopardising the war`s secrecy. In a meeting between Archer and Kirei, the former convinces the latter to spy on the other Masters and find out what drives them in order to discover his own desiresRegular Episode 2011-11-06 1 -
Episode 7 : Dark Forest
Risei informs all the active Masters that the war is to be put on hold until Caster, whose killings of children are attracting the public attention, is destroyed, with an additional Command Spell as a reward. In Einzbern Castle, Kiritsugu plans to use the hunt for Caster to attack the other Masters, despite Saber`s protests that they should give priority to stopping Caster`s atrocities. As Kiritsugu confides in Iri that he would rather escape with her and their daughter and live in peace somewhere, Iri detects Caster arriving from the forest with more children to be sacrificed and sends Saber after him. Saber is ambushed and cornered by Caster`s summoned monsters until Lancer appears and joins forces with her. As Iri and Maiya leave the castle, Kayneth, who had survived the hotel bombing thanks to his Volumen Hydragyrum, a giant magical blob of mercury, infiltrates the castle to duel Saber`s Master. Kiritsugu evades Kayneth using his Calico M950 and launches a surprise attack with his Contender pistol.Regular Episode 2011-11-13 1 -
Episode 8 : The Mage-Slayer
Iri and Maiya are about to escape through the woods until Iri detects Kirei coming their way. Instead of evading him, Iri and Maiya decide to confront him in order to protect Kiritsugu. However, both of them are outmatched. Meanwhile, Kiritsugu is able to wound Kayneth with his Contender pistol. Believing the attack was a fluke, Kayneth decides to increase Hydragyrum`s defense even further. Saber and Lancer continue fighting Caster`s waves of demonic creatures, which prove limitless due to his Noble Phantasm, his grimoire. Saber manages to clear a path for Lancer, who pierces Caster`s grimoire with Gae Dearg, cutting off his source of mana and instantly destroying his minions, causing him to flee. After hiding from an enraged and injured Kayneth, Kiritsugu finally appears and shoots him with his Contender again. Because the Contender uses special anti-magic bullets, Kayneth`s Hydragyrum not only fails to protect him, but amplifies his injury significantly. Lancer arrives to save his unconscious master, while Saber rushes to save Iri from Kirei. As Kirei interrogates Iri about Kiritsugu, an Assassin informs him of Saber`s approach, leading him to stab Iri before fleeing. Iri survives thanks to Saber`s magical healing scabbard Avalon implanted inside her and goes on to heal Maiya.Regular Episode 2011-11-20 1 -
Episode 9 : Master and Servant
Kiritsugu and company are wrapping up after the assault on their castle, and the Einzbern Master decides to ignore Saber`s desire to pursue Caster, instead leaving on his own to finish off Kayneth. But Kayneth, after being saved by Lancer, has awakened to find himself bandaged and strapped to a bed. Sola-Ui explains the hopelessness of his current situation, and offers a shocking proposal...Regular Episode 2011-11-27 1 -
Episode 10 : Rin`s Adventure
The mystery of the mass kidnappings in Fuyuki remains unsolved, with more kids disappearing daily. When Tohsaka Rin can`t get in touch with her friend Kotone, she braves the darkness and enters the city on her own to search for her. That`s when she spots a strange man leading two kids around and decides to follow him...Regular Episode 2011-12-04 1 -
Episode 11 : Discussing the Grail
Rider, Saber, and Archer sit down for a drink and discuss what makes a King. The talk turns to violence when Assassin interrupts…Regular Episode 2011-12-11 1 -
Episode 12 : The Grail Beckons
Hidden in a Fuyuki hotel, Kiritsugu tries plan his next move, but is still at a loss trying to understand Kirei`s motives. Elsewhere, Iry and Saber have moved to a new hideout, a traditional Japanese manor. But while Iry seems excited about their new location, Saber senses something is amiss...Regular Episode 2011-12-18 1 -
Episode 13 : The Forbidden Feast of Madness
Rider and Waver make a trip into town, and stop in a bookstore along the way. There, Waver reads a biography on Rider`s life and learns why he aimed to conquer the far east. Meanwhile, Caster and Ryuunosuke return to their destroyed base. A conversation with his Master leads Caster to an epiphany, and with insanity in his heart, the mad magician begins casting a certain spell...Regular Episode 2011-12-25 1