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Goblin Slayer

TV Series Completed 12 Episodes 2018 Official Site


* Based on a dark fantasy light novel series written by Kagyuu Kumo and illustrated by Kannatsuki Noboru.

"I`m not saving the world. I`m just killing goblins."

At the guild on the frontier, someone has accomplished a rare feat, rising to become a Silver-ranked adventurer solely by hunting goblins...

Priestess, a newly minted adventurer, joined her first party only to meet with disaster. The man who saved her is called Goblin Slayer.

He uses whatever means necessary, sparing no expense or effort to exterminate all goblins. Around him, he gathered a priestess he vexed, an ever-affable lady guild worker, and his childhood friend, farm girl. In the midst of everything, an elven girl who`s heard rumors about him appears with a request...
