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Peach Girl
Momo is a high school girl with peach-coloured tanned skin and red hair, giving off the impression of being an all too easygoing girl. This impression is false though, and Momo often suffers under this misconception, especially since her classmates do not understand her true self. By contrast the pale-skinned, delicate-looking Sae is actually a scheming, manipulative girl, who enjoys stealing other girl`s boyfriends.
Ever since middle school Momo has a secret crush on Toji, and Kairi, who is the most popular guy in school, is attracted to Momo. But with Sae around, what will become of these delicate relations?
Ever since middle school Momo has a secret crush on Toji, and Kairi, who is the most popular guy in school, is attracted to Momo. But with Sae around, what will become of these delicate relations?
Episode 1 : Love Hurricane!
Being the new girl at school is never easy, just ask Momo Adachi! When your `best friend" spends most of her time trying to show you up you just can`t be too careful.Regular Episode 2005-01-08 1 -
Episode 2 : The Trap Kiss!
When you finally find your true love you should want everyone to know, right? But when your `best friend" has less than your best interests at heart, the rules are rewritten and anyone`s the author.Regular Episode 2005-01-15 1 -
Episode 3 : How Far Will You Go, Super Sae?
Momo and Toji seem to have everything straightened out, but when Toji gets hospitalized, Momo finds out just how far Sae is willing to go to keep them apart.Regular Episode 2005-01-22 1 -
Episode 4 : The Catastrophe
With suddenly reformed playboy Kairi at her side, Momo attempts to set the record straight with Toji. But when her accusations are shattered by Sae`s innocent act, she takes a desperate stand.Regular Episode 2005-01-29 1 -
Episode 5 : The Swim Meet from Hell
Now that Sae has gotten what she wanted, you think she would leave poor Momo alone. But after spreading even more vicious rumors, she volunteers her `friend" for the school swimming competition.Regular Episode 2005-02-05 1 -
Episode 6 : Sudden Death at Love
With the school swim meet close at hand, Momo suits up to do her part and help Class Three, but with a plan afoot to sabotage the races, it looks as if Momo`s about to take the fall.Regular Episode 2005-02-12 1 -
Episode 7 : A Brief Love Sign
With a plan afoot to sabotage the races and a `secret embrace" exposed, it looks as if Momo`s about to take the fall.Regular Episode 2005-02-19 1 -
Episode 8 : Fame Isn`t Enough
With Sae and Jigoro a romantic commodity, her classmates have once more turned a blind eye to past events. True to her nature, she can`t help but rub all of the perks of her new celebrity status in her old friend`s face.Regular Episode 2005-02-26 1 -
Episode 9 : The Destruction of Pure Love
Toji has planned a private party for Momo`s birthday that will be a night to remember, but Sae has planned a completely different `party` of her own.Regular Episode 2005-03-05 1 -
Episode 10 : Peach Crisis
Kairi to the rescue! Determined to teach Sae a lesson she`ll never forget, Kairi convinces Sae that she`s perfect for the starring role in a new movie.Regular Episode 2005-03-12 1 -
Episode 11 : The Unbearable Breakup
Can Toji really love Sae? Even after seeing it with her own eyes, Momo can`t believe that he would break up with her for Sae.Regular Episode 2005-03-19 1 -
Episode 12 : The Peach Flower, Blossomed?
With the new class lists posted, Momo finds herself stuck with both Toji and Sae. She had hoped that the new year would prove a fresh start, without the daily reminder of what she has lost.Regular Episode 2005-03-26 1 -
Episode 13 : Shock! An Ex-Girlfriend Barges In!
Who`s that girl?!? Just when Momo finally starts to relax and enjoy the relationship that is growing with Kairi, she finds a picture of him with a mysterious girl.Regular Episode 2005-04-02 1 -
Episode 14 : The Man Who Creates a Storm
Kairi continues to amaze Momo, even going out of his way for the brother whose shadow he`s always had to live in.Regular Episode 2005-04-09 1 -
Episode 15 : Who Will It Be?
While looks can be deceiving, Momo`s no stranger to deception. When she finally realizes that Kairi was telling the truth about his brother, she returns to his side of things.Regular Episode 2005-04-16 1 -
Episode 16 : When Love Hits Rock Bottom
When asked to explain his relationship with Misao, the long-lost love from his past, all Kairi can say is `Sorry." Once again hurt and confused, Momo tries to figure out how Kairi could have lied to herRegular Episode 2005-04-23 1 -
Episode 17 : Direct Line to Pure Love
Momo decides that being `second best" with Kairi is better than being without him, and they proceed to make plans for a summer vacation together.Regular Episode 2005-04-30 1 -
Episode 18 : A Summer Seduction
Feeling jilted by the kiss between Kairi and Misao, Momo doesn`t really know what to think anymore. When he tries to apologize, things don`t get any better.Regular Episode 2005-05-07 1 -
Episode 19 : The Emotional Puzzle
With Kairi gone for the summer and Toji working by her side, Momo is more than a little self-conscious. Sae finally decides to delete all of the blackmail photos, setting Toji free.Regular Episode 2005-05-14 1 -
Episode 20 : One Stormy Night
With Kairi and Momo on their way to rendezvous, it looks as if things might finally be resolved. But when a chance meeting between Misao and Kairi erupts into chaos, Momo is only there to see part of the story.Regular Episode 2005-05-21 1 -
Episode 21 : Continuous Love Storm Warnings!
As the new school year begins, the rumor mill picks up right where it left off. Momo gets everyone talking when she shows up hand-in-hand with Toji instead of Kairi.Regular Episode 2005-05-28 1 -
Episode 22 : Imaginary Love Affair
Momo discovers that Kairi has replaced Misao`s picture in his student handbook with hers. Could he still have feelings for her?Regular Episode 2005-06-04 1 -
Episode 23 : Forced to Choose
With Sae`s sights set on Misao, it can only mean trouble. But once Misao uncovers the truth, she decides to resolve the problem herself...Regular Episode 2005-06-11 1 -
Episode 24 : The Truth About Goodbye
Crushed by Momo`s decision to stay with Toji, Kairi resorts to drastic measures to make her listen to him. But Momo`s mind is made up and she`s had her fill of the drama.Regular Episode 2005-06-18 1 -
Episode 25 : Last Typhoon!
As Momo and Toji leave for their day-trip, Kairi and Sae watch from a distance. When Momo receives news that Kairi might be in danger, she is forced to choose between the two once and for all.Regular Episode 2005-06-25 1