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Cardcaptor Sakura
Kinomoto Sakura is appointed Card Captor by the Guardian of the Seal, Cerberus, when she accidentally opens the magical book of Clow Cards and scatters them to the four winds. To protect the world from disaster she must capture all of the Clow Cards with the help of her friend Tomoyo and Cerberus.
Episode 1 : Sakura and The Mysterious Magic Book
Say hello t the lovely Sakura Kinomoto? She`s in my 4th grade class and she`s amazing. She lives with her father, who`s a college professor, and her brother Toya, who`s in high school. Her mother Nadeshiko, died when Sakura was only three years old.Regular Episode 1998-04-07 1 -
Episode 2 : Sakura`s Wonderful Friend
Lately, some strange things had been going on at our school... We came to school one morning to find that the school grounds and classrooms had been completely trashed by someone, or something! Sakura sensed a Clow Card on the loose, so she, Kero, and I all snuck our way into the school later that night to investigate! There, we discovered the culprit- the Shadow card! Luckily, I was able to help distract the card and Sakura managed to coax Shadow back into the Clow Book. That was also my first chance to become the director and producer of all of Sakura`s incredible celluloid adventures to come! Ahh, I was so happy!Regular Episode 1998-04-14 1 -
Episode 3 : Sakura`s Heart Racing First Date
We all took a school trip to the aquarium, where Sakura witnessed the spirit of the Watery card! Afterwards, she wound up there again when she went on her lovely date with Yukito, her brother`s best friend (which I caught on film!). Later that night, she, Kero and I all snuck into the aquarium and put our plan into motion! Sakura managed to lure Watery into a giant freezer, where it quickly turned to ice, allowing Sakura to capture it with no trouble!Regular Episode 1998-04-21 1 -
Episode 4 : Sakura`s Tiring Sunday
One Sunday, Sakura`s turn came to clean her house. While the rest of her family was out for the day, she came across the Wood card, along with another card whose name was covered by an ink stain! She soon discovered that Wood was working on its magic on the house, and it began turning into a miniature rainforest! Soon after that, she realized that Wood wasn`t working alone- as it turned out, the mystery card she found before was the Rain card! And because of all the rain, Wood was growing out of control. But with the help of Watery, Sakura managed to snag both Wood and Rain together. With that, her work as Cardcaptor was done for the day- but her housework was far from over!Regular Episode 1998-04-28 1 -
Episode 5 : Sakura, Panda, and a Cute Shop
Sakura and the rest of us happened to meet Ms. Maki Matsumoto, the owner of a fancy toy store called Twin Bells. Chiharu decided to buy a cute and cuddly toy, but not long after she got it home, it went missing! As it turned out, there was a rumor going around that whenever someone brought something from Twin Bells, whatever they bought would go missing not long after. Thanks to that rumor, business wasn`t going so great for Ms. Maki. How sad... but Sakura, Kero and I decided to go investigate the store. And lurking among the cuddly toys, we uncovered the Jump card! After a very cinematic struggle, Sakura managed to seal the card away again, and the next day, Twin Bells found itself overflowing with new customers.Regular Episode 1998-05-05 1 -
Episode 6 : Sakura and Memories of her Mother
A few girls from my class decided to go into the woods behind school to investigate he rumor about ghost sightings in the area. But instead of a ghost, an image of Sakura`s late mother appeared! In her scramble to chase after the vision, Sakura fell off a cliff. But then Yukito came to the rescue! Sakura, Kero and I went back to the area again later, and that`s when Sakura discovered that her mother`s image was just a vision conjured up by the Illusion card! Yukito right- the real ghost of her mother would never do anything to hurt her. Sakura had to force herself to ignore the spirit`s resemblance t her beloved mother. She simply gritted her teeth and sealed the troublesome card away.Regular Episode 1998-05-12 1 -
Episode 7 : Sakura`s First Attempt as a Thief
During a school grip to the local art museum, Sakura noticed a young child causing a commotion over a painting called "The Smile." Right at that moment, everything around her went dead silent! Suspecting that it was the work of a Clow Card, Sakura snuck into the museum later that night, along with Kero and myself. And when we were there, we ran into that child again, who turned out to be the son of the painting`s artist! The boy told us that someone had defaced his father`s painting, and so he snuck into the museum in order to restore the painting to its original glory. And as it turned out, the one responsible for both the altered painting and Sakura`s sudden loss of hearing was the card known as Silent. Sakura, of course, was brave and smart enough to eventually find a way to steal the card away again. She`s just so wonderful!Regular Episode 1998-05-19 1 -
Episode 8 : Sakura`s Rival Appears!
A new boy has joined our class! His name is Xiaolang Li, and he`s from Hong Kong. We also found out that he wants to collect the Clow Cards, too! On the way home from school that day, Sakura stumbled across the Thunder card. She got the impression that there was some connection between this and Xiaolang`s presence, so she asked Kero about it. He explained that Clow Reed was a magician, and created the Clow Book. He also revealed that Xiaolang is a relative of Clow Reed`s on his mother`s side. And as it happened, Xiaolang`s amazing knowledge of the Clow Cards helped Sakura seal Thunder away. At the same time, though, Xiaolang was overly dismissive of Sakura`s ability, claiming that her magic is too weak to capture all the cards on her own.Regular Episode 1998-06-02 1 -
Episode 9 : Sakura and the Mysterious Brooch
Sakura was feeling a little down about her skills as a Cardcaptor, so Rika and I decided to take her shopping and try to cheer her up! But the second Rika put on the sword shaped brooch she`d bought, she got taken over by the Sword card and turned against us! Being careful not to hurt her spellbound friend, Sakura cleverly used her Illusion card to seal Sword back in the Clow Book and return Rika back to normal.Regular Episode 1998-06-09 1 -
Episode 10 : Sakura and the Sport`s Day of Flowers
The setting this time was sports day at our school, Tomoeda Elementary! This was the first chance for Sakura to meet my mother, Sonomi. We were also really surprised to find out that Sakura`s father knew my mother! As it turned out, he used to teach both my mother and Nadeshiko. Later, Mr. Kinomoto and my mother faced off in the parents 100-meter dash. My mother had held a grudge against him for a long time, believing that if her beloved cousin Nadeshiko hadn`t married him, she wouldn`t have died so young. But before too long, the race almost came to a stop, because the track had suddenly been covered in mysterious flower petals. It turned out that the Flower card was to blame, and Sakura used her amazing talents to seal it away, just like always! But my mother ended up losing to Mr. Kinomoto, and she got... well, angry. To restore the peace, Sakura used Flower to call down a shower of nadeshiko blossoms in honor of her mother, and my mother was so touched that she totally forgot about her anger. Exactly what I would expect from the Cardcaptor.Regular Episode 1998-06-16 1 -
Episode 11 : Sakura, Tomoyo, and a Mansion
I decided to invite Sakura over to my house, and while she was there, my mother told us all kinds of interesting stories about Nadeshiko and Sakura`s father that we had never heard before. Afterwards, I told Sakura about a box of mine that had something very special in it, but which was stuck shut. Sakura figured out that the Shield card was what was keeping it from opening, so she used her Sword card to seal Shield away and open up the box! And with it open, I was able to show her the cherry blossom bouquet that Sakura`s mother had carried on her wedding day... along with my most precious possession- an eraser that my very best friend Sakura, had given to me.Regular Episode 1998-06-23 1 -
Episode 12 : Sakura`s Never-ending Day
One day, Sakura and Xiaolang both noticed that events throughout the day seemed to be repeating themselves. They soon discovered that the Time card was causing things to happen over and over again! Later that night, we all headed for our school`s clock tower, which was where Time had hidden itself. After a few efforts, we were finally able to invade the clock tower and reach the top. Time tried to flee, but Xiaolang used his magic to stop it and allow Sakura to seal it away. But Time didn`t go to Sakura like we expected- instead, it flew to Xiaolang. It was then that we learned each Clow Card returns to the person who actually succeeded in subduing its power.Regular Episode 1998-06-30 1 -
Episode 13 : Sakura and the Elephant`s Test of Strength
On the news, they talked about how the Penguin King statue at Penguin Park got ripped out of the ground and flipped upside down! That was the same day our class headed to the zoo for a field trip, where the Power card happened to show up. Power just loves to compare its strength to others, so it was breaking open cage after cage, looking for a suitable opponent. The zoo turned into total chaos, with animals escaping and running around all over the place! Finally, Sakura challenged Power to a test of strength, and just when it looked like she was about to lose, Xiaolang saved the day with his Time card and helped Sakura win the challenge!Regular Episode 1998-07-07 1 -
Episode 14 : Sakura, Touya, and Cinderella
Ahh, school fairs are just the best! While Toya was busy getting ready for the school play, Yukito showed us around and then took us to the gym before the big performance. Onstage, Toya played the part of Cinderella, and he was just incredible. But suddenly... the Mist card appeared and the set began to crumble away! As the upper part of the stage began to collapse, Toya`s co-star Yoko (who also had a crush on him) took a tumble. Toya managed to grab her hand, but had to hang on for dear life to keep from dropping her! Sakura managed to seal the card away, saving Toya and Yoko in the nick of time. As the fair drew to a close, Yoko confessed her feelings to Toya, but he had to turn her away. She had half-expected that kind of answer, and after recovering she asked him to at least join her in a single dance. So romantic!Regular Episode 1998-07-14 1 -
Episode 15 : Sakura and Kero`s Big Fight
Kero and Sakura got in a big fight, and Kero ran away from home... After falling asleep on the street, he woke up to find himself in a strange apartment. It turned out that a little girl named Akane had found him and brought him back to where she and her mother lived together, just the two of them. Sakura and I went looking for him, but it was no use. Meanwhile, Akane was left home alone while her mother went to work, and Kero decided he couldn`t just leave her there by herself. Just then, the Float card came and carried Akane high up into the sky. Kero tried his best to go after her; but he just couldn`t keep up. All of a sudden, Sakura rushed in and sealed Float away! She had asked me t help track down where he was, and managed to arrive just in time. A few days later, Akane was forced to part ways with Kero when she and her mother moved to a new city. A little embarrassed by the whole thing, Kero bashfully returned home with Sakura.Regular Episode 1998-07-21 1 -
Episode 16 : Sakura and the Rainbow of Memories
With Kero stuffed into her bag, Sakura joined her family (and Yukito) on a trip to a summer home her father was borrowing. Near the house, Sakura met an elderly man named Masaki living in an especially large home in the area, and they became fast friends. She visited him again the next day, and gave her a dress that used to belong to his now deceased granddaughter. Sakura was trying to think of some way to repay his kindness when she remembered the painting of a rainbow she`d seen in his granddaughter`s room. On the day she was set to leave, she asked Masaki to stand on his balcony and look up at the sky, then used her Rain card to create an impromptu rainbow. How sweet of her! And as it turned out, the painting had been done by Nadeshiko, and Masaki was actually Sakura`s great grandfather!Regular Episode 1998-08-04 1 -
Episode 17 : Sakura`s Scary Test of Courage
Everyone in our class got to go camping by the seaside, where we all took part in a test of courage. Sakura was terribly afraid, and even clung to me as we headed into the cave. She scremed in terror when she saw our teacher dressed up as a ghost but then something even weirder happened- people started to disappear! It turned out to be the Erase card, and it erased almost everyone from the area- even me! But then Xiaolang showed up, and with his help, Sakura was finally able to seal the card away.Regular Episode 1998-08-11 1 -
Episode 18 : Sakura, Yukito, and the Summer Festival
A bunch of us decided to go to the summer festival at Tsukimine Shrine, and while we were there I saw a chance to give Sakura and Yukito a little time alone. As they were walking around together, they accidentally wound up behind the shrine, where they saw hundreds of tiny lights floating around like fireflies. The mood started to turn romantic, but it was ruined when Xiaolang and Toya showed up. Sakura suspected the lights might be the doing of a Clow Card, so she called out her staff and discovered that she was right- the lights were actually the Glow card! Sakura captured the card, but she`ll always be grateful to it for creating an air of romance for her and Yukito.Regular Episode 1998-08-18 1 -
Episode 19 : Sakura and the Summer Holiday Homework
With just one day left in her summer break, Sakura had repeated her mistake from last year- she still had a mountain of homework to get through! I decided to invite her to go to the library so that we could finish our homework together, but Sakura couldn`t seem to find the book she needed for her book report. We did manage to track it down, but just as we reached for it, the Move card transported it to another spot! And it did that again and again and again... Eventually, we ran into Xiaolang, and the two of them desperately chased after the book. Just as Sakura got her hands on it, she suddenly fell into a nearby stream. Soaked, she went to Xiaolang`s apartment and changed into a spare shirt of his. Just then, Xiaolang`s fiance (and cousin) Meiling burst through the door, spotted Sakura wearing the shirt that she had given Xiaolang as a present, and flew into an energetic rage! So much excitement for one day!Regular Episode 1998-09-01 1 -
Episode 20 : Transfer Student vs. Sakura
Just as the new school term began, another transfer student joined our class. It was Meiling, Xiaolang`s bride to be, and she`d just arrived from Hong Kong! Meanwhile, the Fight card appeared and began taking on skilled martial artists all across the city. Sakura headed to Penguin Park to seal it away, but out of nowhere Meiling appeared to challenge the card! Unfortunately, she was no match for it and started to lose ground, but then Sakura jumped in and used her Power card to seal Fight away! But Meiling couldn`t stand the fact that Sakura was the one to save her, and only made her view of Sakura as her rival that much stronger.Regular Episode 1998-09-08 1 -
Episode 21 : Sakura`s Long Marathon Race
While they were practicing for an upcoming marathon, Meiling ended up losing to Sakura. Enraged, she began to train intently for the difficult race. And when the day of the race arrived, Meiling and Sakura found themselves quickly in the lead. However... they soon realized that they`d been going around and around in circles with no idea why! Sakura and Xiaolang then both sensed the Loop card, so they tracked it down and sealed it away. In the process, Meiling had hurt her leg and had to be carried on Xiaolang`s back. But still, they all crossed the finish line together. Despite losing the race, Meiling seemed happy with the outcome. And a little embarrassed.Regular Episode 1998-09-16 1 -
Episode 22 : Sakura and Her Kind Father
Sakura`s father had been working day and night getting ready for an upcoming presentation, even staying in his office overnight to finish it. So Sakura decided to visit him on campus to bring him some food, and she invited me along. Sakura`s so wonderful! But the Sleep card had also appeared and put Mr. Kinomoto and his assistants to sleep. Sakura managed to corner sleep in her father`s office and seal it away, but all of his lecture materials were destroyed in the struggle. Sakura tearfully apologized to him, and he gently replied that he would just start over. That night, Sakura saw that he stayed up all night rewriting his lecture, so the next day she offered to do whatever she could to help him. So he asked her to become his personal assistant for the day making her extremely happy that she was able to help her father.Regular Episode 1998-09-23 1 -
Episode 23 : Sakura, Tomoyo, and a Wonderful Song
Sakura had heard a rumor about a singing ghost in the music room at our school, but when she investigated it, she discovered it was actually a Clow Card! Xiaolang suggested that she should explore the school at night to find out the truth, despite how afraid she was, she decided to do it. Sakura`s so brave! We snuck in together, and when we got inside we were surprised to find Xiaolang and Meiling there. We all heard a voice coming from the music room, and even though Meiling scared it off, we were able to figure out what it was- the Song card had been practicing a song I`d been singing for class earlier! We figured out that Song will only appear when the person it`s copying- me in this case- sings for it. So I sang for everyone, and at last Sakura was able to seal the card away!Regular Episode 1998-09-30 1 -
Episode 24 : Sakura`s Little Adventure
One of the programs Sakura always watches on TV is about famous castles, because she dreams of living like a princess, I came over to her house the day after she watched one such program, to take her measurements for a new battle costume I was making fr her. While I was there, Sakura sensed a Clow Card inside the house! She tracked it to her father`s room, but the Little card made Sakura tiny and she got blown out the window. Kero and I couldn`t find her anywhere, but thanks to my good acting, Toya and Yukito had no idea she was missing. After being chased by a cat and praying mantis outside. Sakura managed to make her way back into the house. With Kero`s help, she was able to turn back to normal, and the seal card away.Regular Episode 1998-10-06 1 -
Episode 25 : Two Sakuras
One day, Sakura came home after grocery shopping to find Yukito cutting Toya`s hair, so she asked him to give her a trip as well. I noticed right away when I saw her the next day, but Chiharu and Meiling said they saw Sakura causing trouble at the local stores. After seeing her double later that day, she realized that it must be a Clow Card! Kero taught Sakura how to read fortunes using the Clow Cards, and Sakura discovered that Toya was in danger. The fake Sakura lured Toya out into the woods, where he fell off a cliff! Sakura and Kero ran into Xiaolang in the woods while looking for Toya, and he helped them find Toya and the Clow Card. After her usual methods of capturing cards failed, Kero told Sakura that the only way to capture special cards is to call them by name. Since Sakura is so wonderful, she realized it was the Mirror card and sealed it away! She then vowed to collect all of the other cards so that they can`t harm anyone else.Regular Episode 1998-10-13 1 -
Episode 26 : Sakura and the Wonderful Teacher
A beautiful woman caught Sakura as she was rushing on her skates. The woman turned out to be our new substitute math teacher, Ms. Mizuki. Sakura seemed to be distracted by her beauty, and Xiaolang warned us that he sensed something about her. Later that day, Sakura and I went to Tsukimine Shrine so she could get a charm that grants romantic wishes. At the shrine, we ran into Xiaolang and Meiling, who also wanted to get a charm, and then we were suddenly trapped in a giant maze! We tried to find our way out, but none of our tactics worked. Then, Ms. Mizuki showed up and used a mysterious bell to break down the walls until we found the exit! After that, Sakura was able to seal the card away, and Ms. Mizuki gave Sakura and Meiling the charms they had come for.Regular Episode 1998-10-20 1 -
Episode 27 : Sakura and the Shrine of Memories
Kero sensed a Clow Card, which led him and Sakura to Tsukimine Shrine, where they were joined by Xiaolang, who also sensed the card, After searching for nearly an hour, they took a break, and Sakura got sucked into the shrine`s sacred tree! It turned out the Return card had sent Sakura back to the past, when Toya and Ms. Mizuki first met. Hidden up in the tree, Sakura overheard parts of their conversations as time jumped ahead to their meetings under the tree. But just as Sakura was about to get some clue, she found that she had returned to the present time, and was able to seal the Return card! However, it went to Xiaolang, who had used a lot of energy using the Time card to rescue Sakura.Regular Episode 1998-10-27 1 -
Episode 28 : Sakura and the Enchanted Cards
Charm cards, which look a lot like Clow Cards, became really popular at our school. Naoko and Chiharu bought several ones, but when I went with Sakura to get her a cooking one, Ms. Maki was all sold out. When we came back the next day, Sakura sensed that a Clow Card used to be in the shop, but was no longer there. We discovered Meiling had bought the Shot card, thinking it was just a charm card. Sakura and Xiaolang found her on the roof of the school, but Meiling activated the card by accident, and it targeted him! Sakura and Xiaolang worked together to seal the dangerous card away, and I got it all on tape!Regular Episode 1998-11-10 1 -
Episode 29 : Sakura`s Sweet Cooking
Sakura baked a cake with her father to practice for our home ec class. It turned out so well, we were sure our cake would turn out great, too. But our entire class baked cakes that were too sweet, so we had to try again the next week. During our second attempt, while the class took a break for lunch, Sakura and Xiaolang discovered that the Sweet card had been tampering with the cakes. With the help of salt, Sakura was able to seal the card away, and none of our cakes were too sweet this time!Regular Episode 1998-11-17 1 -
Episode 30 : Sakura and the Injured Card
Sakura tried to seal the Dash card, but it escaped into someone`s yard, and some lady said the battle costume I made for Sakura looked strange. Anyway, the girl who lives there, Rei Tachibana, took Dash in and bandaged its wounds. The next day, Rei, who was struggling with the 100-meter dash, began to set personal best times thanks to Dash`s influence. I went with Sakura and Kero to Rei`s house to try to get closer to Dash, but after talking to Rei, and hearing how hard she was trainignf or a big track meet, Sakura changed her mind about sealing Dash away. Two days before the big track meet, Xiaolang noticed Dash`s presence, which forced Sakura to seal the Dash card away, and left Rei frantically searching for Dash in the park near her house. Feeling bad for Rei, Xiaolang called upon Dash to show itself to Rei right before the 100-meter dash final, which cheered her up enough to win on her own!Regular Episode 1998-11-17 1 -
Episode 31 : Sakura and the Nameless Book
After school one day, the girls and I ended up going to a used bookstore, but Sakura noticed the presence of a Clow Card. Since the area was so crowded, we decided to come back later that night to capture the card. When we came back, Xiaolang and Meiling showed up, and Kero and Meiling started arguing until we saw a huge cat walking around toward us! The cat chased us, but was happy to just cuddle with Xiaolang until Sakura captured the Big card, and the cat returned to normal. Just when we thought we were done for the day, animals with strange wings and swirly eyes started popping up everywhere. It turns out someone was using the Create card and everything they were writing was coming true! We were going to save capturing it until the next day, but then a huge dragon appeared and started heading toward town, so Sakura used the Big card on herself and fought the dragon! Just when it looked like Sakura was going to lose, the person stopped writing, and Sakura was able to capture the Create card, too!Regular Episode 1998-12-01 1 -
Episode 32 : Sakura, Kero, and Shaoran
While capturing the Change card, Kero and Xiaolang accidentally switched bodies, and had to send an entire day as each other before the spell could be undone. Neither one of them was good at impersonating the other, so I figure out what happened right away. Just as we were getting ready to leave school, Mr. Terada mistook Xiaolang (in Kero`s body) for a stuffed animal, so we went to the toy store to get him back. Unfortunately, Xiaolang was in the crane game, so Kero had to win him so they could switch back.Regular Episode 1998-12-01 1 -
Episode 33 : Sakura`s Cold Ice-skating
Our class got to go to the ice rink for a field trip! Sakura was worried that she wouldn`t be good at ice skating, but I knew she would pick it up fast. And guess what? She did! The ice rink got really cold all of a sudden, though- so cold that we were all frozen! Luckily Sakura and Xiaolang were there, and saved us all from the Freeze card.Regular Episode 1998-12-15 1 -
Episode 34 : Sakura, Yukito, and Midday Moon
The city council decided to do a Sunday Scavenger Hunt! Sakura wanted me to be her partner, but when I wouldn`t be able to film her... It all worked out though, since Sakura got to be partners with Yukito instead. To finish the hunt, each team had to answer riddles and find a special tile. Sakura and Yukito are so smart that they solved them all and went to look for the tile in the woods. Sakura almost got hurt falling off a cliff, but Yukito saved her and got hurt instead... Still, even though he was injured, they eventually made their way to the finish line, where we were all waiting for them!Regular Episode 1998-12-22 1 -
Episode 35 : Sakura`s Wonderful Christmas
Sakura got everyone Christmas presents except Yukito... It`s so hard to decide what to get someone you like that much! After some advice from Meiling, she invited Yukito to the amusement park to give him his gift. Of course, I couldn`t miss filming her romantic date, so Kero and I snuck after them. I guess everyone likes the amusement park, because while they were there, they ran into Xiaolang, Meiling, and even Toya (working, of course). Things started getting hot when everything burst into flame! It was the Firey card! I missed filming Sakura`s daring capture since Xiaolang used the Time card and Sakura put everyone to sleep with the Sleep card. After she captured Firey using Windy and Watery at the same time, they all took a ride on the Ferris wheel. While they were on it, Sakura gave Yukito his gift, and Kero used his power to make the whole sky glitter! It was so beautiful!Regular Episode 1998-12-29 1 -
Episode 36 : Sakura and the Snowy New School Term
We started a new term at school recently, Sakura and I are finally in the fifth grade! When Sakura met Yukito on the way to school, he gave her a birthday present- he`s so smooth! We all got to stay in the same class, but we had a new teacher who turned out to be Ms. Mizuki. Sakura was super excited about it; I think she really likes Ms. Mizuki. It started snowing a lot though, which was strange for spring. It snowed so much that the whole town was almost covered! Of course, Sakura realized it was the Snow card and went to capture it, btu she got caught in a snowy cyclone and lost the new watch Yukito had given gave her. She got really upset and used Firey to burn up all the snow. Luckily, Ms. Mizuki found the watch and returned it to Sakura!Regular Episode 1999-04-06 1