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In the near future, personal computers take the form of attractive female androids, called Persocons.
Motosuwa Hideki is a poor student who failed his entrance exams to get into college. So, Hideki is forced to move to the city, get a job, and attend cram school in hopes of passing the next college entrance exam. He would of course also like to own a Persocon, but is way too poor to afford one.
One day, while returning home, he finds a Persocon in a trash heap. However, his new find does not seem to be like the others he has heard about. She does not seem to have an operating system at all, and only says "Chii". As Hideki learns more about his Persocon (aptly named Chii), he finds out that she is not of any known type, and is most likely some sort of home-made model. He also learns of an urban legend — the Chobits — Persocons with the ability to think for themselves, instead of just running complex programs...
Motosuwa Hideki is a poor student who failed his entrance exams to get into college. So, Hideki is forced to move to the city, get a job, and attend cram school in hopes of passing the next college entrance exam. He would of course also like to own a Persocon, but is way too poor to afford one.
One day, while returning home, he finds a Persocon in a trash heap. However, his new find does not seem to be like the others he has heard about. She does not seem to have an operating system at all, and only says "Chii". As Hideki learns more about his Persocon (aptly named Chii), he finds out that she is not of any known type, and is most likely some sort of home-made model. He also learns of an urban legend — the Chobits — Persocons with the ability to think for themselves, instead of just running complex programs...
Episode 1 : Chi Awakens
Persecoms are humanoid computers that can do almost anything humans can. Virtually everyone in Tokyo has one but Hideki, a displaced country boy going to a college prep school. His life is about to change when he finds a very special one in the trash.Regular Episode 2002-04-03 1 -
Episode 2 : Chi Goes Out
Hideki’s lucky find turns out to be a bigger deal than he thought. His neighbor Shinbo sends him to Minoru, a young Persecom specialist, to find out how she’s able to move without an operating system. Could she be one of the rumored custom-made Chobits?Regular Episode 2002-04-10 1 -
Episode 3 : Chi Learns
Getting into college is Hideki’s first priority, but he needs a job to pay the bills. Now he’s got a Persecom, but since he can’t afford to buy her software, his only option is to teach her everything himself.Regular Episode 2002-04-17 1 -
Episode 4 : Chi Goes On Errands
To avoid confusion or embarrassment, Hideki sends Chi to the lingerie store to buy some underwear. With child-like wonderment, Chi’s exploration of the city results in quite an adventure.Regular Episode 2002-04-24 1 -
Episode 5 : Chi Finds
Hideki takes Chi to the bookstore, where she finds a picture book with an eerie underlying message.Regular Episode 2002-05-01 1 -
Episode 6 : Chi Weakens
Hideki knows so little about Persecoms that he doesn’t even realize Chi needs charging. He’s already late on his electric bill, and when he tries to plug her in to a power source the whole building loses power!Regular Episode 2002-05-08 1 -
Episode 7 : Chi Works
Persecoms are so amazing: they can work for money just like people. Chi wants to help Hideki pay his bills, so she sets out to find a good job. Her mission gets a little off course, and a whole new side of Chi is exposed.Regular Episode 2002-05-15 1 -
Episode 8 : Chi Bewildered
When Hideki finally finds Chi, she and all the other Persecoms in the city seem to be in a trance. Even Minoru is stumped over the strange behavior. After things cool off, Hideki finds Chi a nice job at Tirol, a nearby bakery.Regular Episode 2002-05-22 1 -
Episode 9 : Shinbo and Sumomo Chat
Regular Episode 2002-05-29 1 -
Episode 10 : Chi Buys
Just the thought of teaching Chi how to bathe gets Hideki too excited to function. Meanwhile, Minoru discovers a photo of a legendary Chobit that looks shockingly familiar.Regular Episode 2002-06-05 1 -
Episode 11 : Chi Meets
When it comes to dating, Hideki’s clueless. While on a date with his coworker Yumi, he’s stumped by her heavy questions concerning Persecoms. Alone at home, Chi gets wrapped up in another book that seems to touch her in a deep, hidden place.Regular Episode 2002-06-12 1 -
Episode 12 : Chi Confirms
Paranoia takes hold of Hideki when he hears a murder story and is convinced the apartment below his is haunted. Ms. Hibiya, Shinbo, and Minoru join forces to investigate the building and dispel Hideki’s fears before he loses too much sleep.Regular Episode 2002-06-19 1 -
Episode 13 : Chi Plays
After his boss gives him a DVD player, Hideki gets a video game from Minoru. Overjoyed to know Chi can play games too, Hideki hooks her and Sumomo up to the TV to give it a try, but things never seem to go as expected with Chi.Regular Episode 2002-06-26 1 -
Episode 14 : Chi Goes to the Ocean
Hideki’s got the bad grade blues, but a trip to Minoru’s beach house is too tempting to turn down. When curiosity gets Chi and Hideki into deep water, an unexpected rescue surprises everyone.Regular Episode 2002-07-03 1 -
Episode 15 : Chi Entertains
A tipsy Ms. Shimizu shows up at Hideki’s apartment for a personal pop quiz. At school the next day, Shinbo doesn’t act like himself either.Regular Episode 2002-07-10 1 -
Episode 16 : Chi Doesn`t Do Anything
With no warning, Shinbo disappears, leaving Sumomo under Hideki’s care. When Hideki gets to school he realizes Ms. Shimizu is gone, too! When Shinbo finally calls he better have a good explanation.Regular Episode 2002-07-17 1 -
Episode 17 : Chi Provides
Hideki takes a week off from work to study for a big test. But when he loses his wallet, growls from his empty stomach ruin all hopes of concentration. Determined to help her master, Chi goes on a mission to cure his hunger pangs.Regular Episode 2002-07-24 1 -
Episode 18 : Minoru and Yuzuki Chat
Regular Episode 2002-07-31 1 -
Episode 19 : Chi Helps
While helping Ms. Hibiya with routine cleaning around the apartments, Hideki learns some unexpected facts about his landlady’s past experience with Persecoms.Regular Episode 2002-08-07 1 -
Episode 20 : Chi Disappears
Yumi makes a comment that leaves Hideki pondering his relationship with Chi. His true feelings show as he jumps into action when Chi doesn’t make it home from work at Tiroll.Regular Episode 2002-08-14 1 -
Episode 21 : Chi Waits
While Hideki, Minoru, and Ueda (Chi’s manager at Tiroll) frantically scour the entire city for poor Chi, Ueda shares a personal story about the Persecom dear to him.Regular Episode 2002-08-21 1 -
Episode 22 : Chi Wants
Anxious to analyze her, Chi’s abductor, who goes by Dragonfly on the web, connects her to a room full of his custom models. As he trespasses on forbidden territory, Chi’s dark side gets physical to disable his attempts.Regular Episode 2002-08-28 1 -
Episode 23 : Chi Answers
Chi is home safe, but Hideki notes something new between them. Minoru continues his relentless search for more information on the mysterious Chobits. Despite Hideki’s violent contempt, Dragonfly eagerly - and apologetically - offers his help.Regular Episode 2002-09-04 1 -
Episode 24 : Chi Wears and Takes Off
When Chi tries on what she thinks is a new uniform at Tiroll, she learns even more about how people show their feelings for each other - and decides who her special someone is.Regular Episode 2002-09-11 1 -
Episode 25 : Chi Decides
Chi’s tragic past is finally revealed, and Hideki realizes now more than ever just how extraordinary the little supercomputer really is.Regular Episode 2002-09-18 1 -
Episode 26 : The Person Only for Chi
With the utterance of his true feelings for Chi, Hideki unknowingly triggers a special program so powerful it will affect the future of all Persecoms and their owners.Regular Episode 2002-09-25 1 -
Episode s1 : Hibiya and Kotoko Chat
Special 2003-02-21 1 -
Episode s2 : Chibits: Sumomo and Kotoko Deliver
Special 2003-01-24 1