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Summer Time Render
* Based on a suspense sci-fi manga by Tanaka Yasuki.
Upon hearing of Ushio`s death, Shinpei returns to his hometown of Wakayama City on Hitogashima and reunites with his childhood friend`s family. The funeral goes smoothly, but under the surface something strange is brewing on the island. What mysteries await him on this secluded summer island?
Upon hearing of Ushio`s death, Shinpei returns to his hometown of Wakayama City on Hitogashima and reunites with his childhood friend`s family. The funeral goes smoothly, but under the surface something strange is brewing on the island. What mysteries await him on this secluded summer island?
Episode 1 : Goodbye, Summer Days
Shinpei Ajiro returns to Hitogashima for the first time in two years after hearing the news of the death of his childhood friend, Ushio Kofune. Shinpei`s best friend, Sou Hishigata, reveals that someone could have killed her. In Hitogashima, there is a legend concerning those who see their exact "shadow" ending up dead. Mio reveals that she saw Ushio`s shadow while she was still alive.Regular Episode 2022-04-15 1 -
Episode 2 : Shadows
Shinpei should have been shot by Mio`s shadow, but he finds himself on a ferry heading to Hitogashima. Later, he relives the events that happened before the shooting and witnesses Mio stabbing Totsumura to death with a kitchen knife. Totsumura`s shadow emerges from his dead body, while Mio turns to a shocked Shinpei with the same knife.Regular Episode 2022-04-22 1 -
Episode 3 : Washing Ashore
Shinpei was stabbed by Mio`s shadow, but wakes up on July 22nd again. In search of answers, Shinpei visits the Kobayakawas, who went missing the day after Ushio`s funeral. There, he meets the shadow of Shiori Kobayakawa. Shinpei escapes, but tells Sou about everything. It is now July 24th, and Shinpei enjoys some peace at the Hitogashima Summer Festival until something unexpected happens.Regular Episode 2022-04-29 1 -
Episode 4 : Jamais Vu
On the night of the summer festival, Ushio`s shadow appears before Shinpei. Unlike the other shadows he has encountered, this one behaves like the real Ushio. Shinpei hides Ushio`s shadow from Mio and Sou, who are alarmed by the shadows. Later, while Shinpei is on the way to Hiruko to meet with Sou and the others, Mio`s shadow finds him again.Regular Episode 2022-05-06 1 -
Episode 5 : Maelstrom
Shinpei is saved by the woman from the ferry who calls herself Ryunosuke Nagumo, a writer whom Shinpei is fond of. She tells him about the shadows and why she showed up. Meanwhile, the shadows begin massacring people at the summer festival. As Shinpei races to save his friends, the shadows engulf the entire island.Regular Episode 2022-05-13 1 -
Episode 6 : Orbital Resonance
Is it July 22nd for the fourth time? Hizuru Minakata, the woman on the ferry and a Hitogashima Island native, is returning home for the first time in fourteen years, hoping to solve the mysterious message that was left on her phone. Aware of the existence of the shadows and Heine, she joins Nezu, the hunter on the island, and learns that the shadows have taken over.Regular Episode 2022-05-20 1 -
Episode 7 : Enemy
Hizuru gathers that Shinpei is telling the truth after reading his records about the time loop. Wary of exposing herself to the shadows, she does not reveal much, yet offers to help nevertheless. Shinpei, Hizuru, and Nezu head to the Kobayakawa`s home to defeat the family`s shadows and capture Shiori`s shadow.Regular Episode 2022-05-27 1 -
Episode 8 : Memento
Hizuru and Nezu watch on as Shinpei returns to Kofunes` house to defeat Mio`s shadow. However, he encounters Ushio, whom he should not have run into until a later time. Like Shinpei, Ushio has been stuck in a loop on the 24th, the day of the Summer Festival. As Shinpei tries to make sense of Ushio`s appearance, he is ambushed by Mio`s shadow.Regular Episode 2022-06-03 1 -
Episode 9 : Flow, My Tears
A video left on Ushio`s phone shows Ushio and her shadow together. In the clip, the two girls recount their first encounter up to the moment they recorded the video. The two of them had been working together to learn the truth behind this phenomenon. After watching the video and regaining all her memories, Ushio uses her ability on Shinpei and the others.Regular Episode 2022-06-10 1 -
Episode 10 : Into the Darkness
As Shinpei learns the true cause of Ushio`s death, he gains clues from the video clip that the shadows are hiding in Mount Takanosu, where an old precinct of Hishigata Clinic belonging to Sou`s parents, is located. The three find an enshrined statue of Hiruko inside the hospital. Then, they discover a hidden door leading to an underground ditch. But the door is locked.Regular Episode 2022-06-17 1 -
Episode 11 : Time to Feed
The shadows surround Ushio, Sou, and Shinpei. However, their primary target is the girl. Meanwhile, Mio works with Totsumura to chase down Shiori`s shadow. Hizuru, Ryunosuke, and Nezu become witnesses to Mio`s pursuit. Just as Shinpei and his friends thought they have overcome the peril, an unexpected person appears to them.Regular Episode 2022-06-24 1 -
Episode 12 : Bloody Night
Tokiko, Sou`s younger sister, reveals she has been offering corpses as food to Hiruko. Heine is the girl whom a large shadow, that appeared at Hito Shrine on the day of the Summer Festival, calls Mother. Tokiko controls the shadows to overpower Shinpei. In the meantime, the large shadow appears and takes Mio hostage.Regular Episode 2022-07-01 1 -
Episode 13 : Friend
This is the fifth July 22nd for Shinpei. Hizuru is convinced Shinpei is a time traveler. Shinpei uses Ushio`s powers to relay his experience to Hizuru, convincing her to join his cause. The group heads to the Kobayakawa`s house to defeat Shiori`s shadow, but they get ambushed. Shinpei thought this death would take him to the sixth timeline, but he instead wakes up in Hizuru`s memory from fourteen years ago.Regular Episode 2022-07-08 1 -
Episode 14 : To Be / Not to Be
Heine and Hizuru are revealed to be once friends. However, Heine, unable to suppress her Hunger, loses control. The events leading up to how Ryunosuke have come to be inside Hizuru unravel. Shinpei gathers his friends at a school. Using Ushio`s ability, each of them experiences every timeline and event leading up to this point.Regular Episode 2022-07-15 1 -
Episode 15 : Lights, Camera, Action
Shinpei and his friends are ambushed by the shadows and loop for the seventh time. Heine, who time-loops like Shinpei, notices that the loop drifts slightly. Hence, she changes her strategy to eliminate Shinpei. That night, Shinpei and his friends assemble at the school once more to defeat Shide, but he gathers many shadows. An all-out battle between Shinpei and the shadows begins.Regular Episode 2022-07-22 1 -
Episode 16 : Original
Shinpei and his friends fend off the shadows` full frontal attack. Meanwhile, Mio has a plan to get their own shadows to join their cause. Using Ushio`s powers, the group try to convince Mio`s shadow to join them. Clues from Mio`s shadow and Tokiko`s words lead the group to Hishigata Clinic. However, the house is empty, with not a single object left inside. On the path to Hiruko`s grotto, they find Sou`s parents.Regular Episode 2022-07-29 1 -
Episode 17 : Decision
Shinpei and his friends learn Shide`s true identity from Seido Hishigata, father of Sou and Director of Hishigata Clinic. The next morning, they follow the shadows` trail to prepare to exterminate them from the island. Shinpei makes a rescue amid attacks. Next stop is Hito Shrine - the place where everything began.Regular Episode 2022-08-05 1 -
Episode 18 : Face-to-Face
Shinpei visits Karikiri, the head priest, who looks exactly the same age as he does seventy years ago in a photo. Shinpei asks him if Karikiri was the first director of Hishigata Clinic: Shidehiko Hishigata, or Shide himself. Learning more of Shide`s unforgivable deed, Shinpei burns with vengeance and notices something odd about Karikiri`s appearance.Regular Episode 2022-08-12 1 -
Episode 19 : Made in Black
Ushio is dead. Just as the situation seems bleak, Karikiri and Heine strike. Mio and Hizuru learn about Ushio`s death from Shinpei`s call and head to their respective designated meeting places. However, it is Karikiri who awaits Mio, while Shinpei waits at Hizuru`s designated meeting place.Regular Episode 2022-08-19 1 -
Episode 20 : All Is (Not) Lost.
Hizuru and Karikiri face off. Gil and Rose join the skirmish, making the battle deadlier. Meanwhile, Shinpei and Ushio`s shadow head to other Karikiri locations. Mio`s shadow kills Shidehiko without hesitation and traces the shadow to Kotoko. With her dying breath, Kotoko tells Mio`s shadow to find Hizuru and the others.Regular Episode 2022-08-26 1 -
Episode 21 : Ajiro Shinpei`s Longest Day
Seidou Hishigata appears before Shinpei, who despairs over Hizuru`s death. Shinpei learns another clue to defeat Shide, who may be keeping a reserve of his own corpses as spares. Shinpei recalls that Ushio will be back on the day of the summer festival, with no recollection of the tragedy. Ushio may have another chance to revive, but not without Heine and Karikiri`s interference.Regular Episode 2022-09-02 1 -
Episode 22 : Homecoming
With Shadow Ushio`s necklace in hand, the First Ushio inherits all memories from the many iterations of herself. As Shinpei has hoped, Ushio revives. With that settled, Shinpei shoots himself in the head and starts his tenth loop.Regular Episode 2022-09-09 1 -
Episode 23 : Eternal Night
Ushio does not deal a finishing blow to Heine. Making matters worse, Shide also stands in their way and plans to end the world by gaining the Eye of the Observer. In an attempt to seize the Eye of the Observer, Shide slices open Heine`s stomach and drags Ushio to where Heine came from. Though Ushio tries to settle the score on her own, Shinpei chases after her.Regular Episode 2022-09-16 1 -
Episode 24 : Summertime Re-Rendering
Ushio attacks Shide with all her might. However, she learns that his real body resides in the present world. The only way for her to win is to destroy his armor. Ushio is rendered powerless after a deadly battle against Shide, and she is on the brink of defeat. Shinpei takes over the fight. Ushio`s hacking ability takes two minutes to recover. The curtain rises on the last battle.Regular Episode 2022-09-23 1 -
Episode 25 : I`m Home
Shinpei defeats Shide. As a shadow, Ushio`s final iteration must now vanish. It is a new morning on July 22nd. Shinpei wakes up inside the ferry after a two-year break from his hometown. Though a little unsettling, Shinpei feels peace on the island. While the islanders prepare for the summer festival with excitement, Shinpei finally reunites with Ushio.Regular Episode 2022-09-30 1